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meat aging

Bringing innovation to commercial kitchens to increase the profits of your business.

“University of Melbourne research indicates that the market for aged meat in the USA was $10.4 billion in 2015 and is estimated to reach $11.2 billion by 2020. Key consumers are LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability), meat lovers, selective foodies and premium players for whom aged meat is
an affordable luxury providing a unique sensory experience in flavour and tenderness.” 

Here is a good video to watch on facebook.com and meat aging: https://www.facebook.com/stagionello/videos/2121563358099244/

Unique Catering Products have just introduced the Arredo Inox range from Italy to Australia. 

    This range includes;

  • MATURMEAT for dry aging meats
  • PESCIUGATORE for fish drying
  • AFFINACHEESE for cheese aging and
  • STAGIONELLO for salami fermentation, drying,
    and seasoning.

The brochure attached shows the cabinet range however the technology can be installed in rooms for larger volume operations. We are confident these units offer, gaming changing technologies, over what is currently available in the Australian market. These ranges offer processes which are simple to operate but advanced enough to digitally record the complete ‘life cycle’ of the protein while it is being aged or fermented, assuring the safety of the product and the commercial viability through maximised yield. Arredo Inox has developed products which balance the needs of food safety and the
commercial realities simplicity and high yield. Stories about profit here

Salt & Meat

salt and meat

Salt is hygroscopic and can remove moisture from the air. Salt blocks are not necessary in a facility that has refrigeration units capable of maintaining the
required relative humidity. How will you know the Relative Humidity that suits your operation (CSIRO recommend a range of 75-85%) to age meat?
Maturmeat from Arredo controls the Relative Humidity and monitors on a daily basis. It is possible that salt blocks may reduce relative humidity, but their use seems to be primarily for marketing purposes and it should be understood that they, deteriorate over time and will need to be replaced.



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